Understanding Kanye West’s Bizarre Tweet on Abolishing the 13th Amendment

Rapper angered many with his comments on amendment that abolished slavery.

kanye west
Kanye West onstage. (Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic)

On Sunday afternoon, Kanye West did exactly what Kanye West does best: The rapper confused and outraged the Internet after making an unexplained comment about a sensitive topic on Twitter.

This time, it was about the 13th Amendment.

The Washington Post writes that West performed on Saturday Night Live, then donned a “Make America Great Again” hat and praised Trump, which triggered boos from the audience.

SNL did not air that clip, and so on Sunday, West got on Twitter to spread his MAGA support more directly. He shared a picture of himself in his pro-Trump red hat, and in tweeted a call for the abolition of the 13th Amendment.

Outrage ensued because the amendment abolished slavery. West later clarified that he meant we should amend the amendment, not get rid of it completely. “The 13th Amendment is slavery in disguise . . . meaning it never ended . . . We are the solution that heals,” he wrote, according to The Post. 

The Washington Post writes that it is likely he was referring to the 13th Amendment’s “exception clause” which is part of the amendment that allowed slavery and involuntary servitude to continue across the country, on plantations and in prisons. Many argue that its impact is still felt in prison labor.

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